the NAS Design Partnership Awards 2017.


The National Association of Shopfitters gave both the 2017 NAS award for best retail project and the 2017 NAS design partnership award to Architects, Mowat & Company and Contractors Cumberland Group for Berry Bros. & Rudd's new store at 63 Pall Mall, London.

The store gives a wider customer base access to London’s oldest wine merchant with a new design and new premises. The contemporary store takes its design language and craftsmanship from the traditional Berry Bros. & Rudd's interiors updating them to the needs of both customers and the retail brand for now and into the future. The success of the store and these awards is proof of our mantra that "life feels good when you find your place in the world”.

We would like to say thank you NAS for recognising the work of a great collaborative team.

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Wellbeing Concept with The Foundation


Holt at Award Winning Maggies Oldham