private client

 With acres of green land, a farm house, some agricultural barns, enchanted woodland and an old elm tree, this site holds a lot of potential. We have designed a solution & visuals to help get these listed agricultural barns, along a sensitive green belt location along to planning.

The client wanted their grade 2 listed home to be more accessible, and expand to fit their growing family whilst honouring the history & heritage of the site. We looked at the strategy for the whole site, and were able to give potential options.


We have been working on the next phase of creating one bespoke residential dwelling from the agricultural barns. Developing the visuals has helped the client envision the potential of the barns and aids confidence to submit a planning application to develop the scheme.


The planners supported the creation of the bespoke, eco and highly sustainable development.


Old uses on a site give clues as to what it might become, here are similar projects where we have used historical research to inform new designs:


De Beauvoir Block, 92-96 De Beauvoir Road


Whitney Sawmills